Web of Scandals

Scandalous Secrets, Scandalous Sex, and Scandalous Lies

AutorIn: Latoya Johnson

Verlag: Authorhouse

Erscheinungsjahr: 2015

Zusatzinformationen: 660 Seiten

Sprache: English

ISBN: 978-1-5049-1963-0

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in den Warenkorb
Farrah was a cute little girl who strived for attention because her mother was a drug addict and her father was murdered in prison. She had friends but only one of them was real. The ugly, skinny geek from down the street named Malcolm. He wasn't all that to look at, but he loved Farrah and would do anything for her, including being her first. Farrah didn't want anyone to know she was his friend, let alone her sex partner. So when she all of a sudden gets pregnant, she disappears by moving down south with her aunt. Sixteen years later, she's a single mom with a teenage son, Damian. She finally finds love in a handsome doctor named Antwon Marshall. He is all that a woman desireslooks, body, and money. Antwon instantly falls in love and takes her to see his best friend, who is totally opposite of who he is. His best friend, MJ, is assistant pastor of Onelove Ministries and also a doctor in pediatrics. But when Antwon takes Farrah to meet his best friend, MJ, whose soon to be married to the lovely Jasmine, Farrah is haunted by love and dishonor. They all have secrets, but where does Damian fall into all this? He will be the one torn between what's real and what's all lies. He will be the damaged one growing up to betray the people he loves. Scandal after scandal seems to surround this group, and it seems to go on and on in years to come. But wait till you meet Harold.